It’s completely appropriate to use coaching as a life-long way to master the long list of things you’d like to be, do and have. Coaching is a great way to get ahead physically, mentally, and in business. No matter what your focus is, coaching can help, but coaching isn’t forever.
Most coaching is designed to be temporary support along the way to your biggest goals. In most cases, your relationship with your coach will come to an end and make room for new coaches with new expertise. Here’s why-
Most coaches offer niche services
Most coaches offer highly specialized services for a targeted audience. When you are searching for coaching, it makes sense to find a coach that is focused on exactly what you need at the time you hire them. You wouldn’t hire a coach to help you sculpt your triceps when you need to lose one hundred pounds. You’d hire a coach specializing in weight loss until you were ready to focus on sculpting your muscles. You need the right coach at the right time.
You may outgrow your coach
What your coach offers or specializes in may become obsolete for you over time. After you’ve mastered certain things and reached certain goals you may need to find a coach with more advanced skills and training to help you level up. Don’t be afraid to make the switch when you sense that you’ve maximized your time with your coach.
When the student is ready, the coach will appear
As you grow and mature with your coaching, your mindset will shift. You’ll be speaking a new language when it comes to your craft. You might start out with a business coach with very little understanding about marketing or copywriting only to discover you’ve absorbed every bit of wisdom your coach has to offer. You’ll begin to notice new coaches who catch your eye and draw you in. Don’t resist coaching with a new coach when you sense you’re ready to take things up a new notch.
Note- It’s entirely true that some coaches offer a wide spectrum of services and if you have developed a healthy, reciprocating relationship with a coach who can continue to coach you long term, you may not have the need to switch things up. Be careful that you…and your coach, don’t get into a rut though. Always evaluate if your current coach is the right coach for you at this moment in time.
If you’re being coached well, you’ll likely outgrow the coaching program you are in. Don’t be afraid to broaden your coaching to include new coaches. A high-quality coach will be thrilled to see you expand your horizons and take on new and meaningful coaching. Make sure you’ve got the right coach for your needs every step of the way.